The anger is certainly justified. I don't have much hope for change...maybe a sliver. Sometimes I'm glad that I'm in my 60s and not my 20s because the road ahead is dark. And god damn I hate thinking like that.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Cadwallader

Perhaps our only use as a species is to serve as a bad example to the rest of the biosphere. H. sapiens reminds me of pioneer species which, by simply living, so changes ecosystem conditions that the species can no longer survive; think yeast in a vat of grape juice. Who knows, maybe, intelligence is actually mal-adaptive, it just takes a bit to manifest.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Cadwallader

I feel and hear you Tom. I left that part of my state last year solely for economic reasons because the greater Asheville area had gotten so expensive to live in. I’m now down where I can watch tropical weather development and have very little to do but keep track of the weather and politics. I’ve already voted πŸ’™ so now just trying to get in touch with my friends I left behind. The Gulf waters were very warm so this storm escalated in power rapidly. Its path reminded me of the winter event we experienced back in 1993; same path that dropped a massive amount of snow instead of rain. If it hits the armpit of Florida, WNC had better pay close attention. And for all who are struggling, please know that help is getting in. It will be slow in some of the hills and hollars because you are further away from good staging areas but Mike’s and helicopters are headed your way if they can get close. Try to be patient. This is a massive undertaking with a lot of moving parts to it. There are many more people out here who care than those who don’t.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Cadwallader

Excellent- heartbreaking. Pray your family makes to ATL safely. I am in Charlotte, NC. Time to read a bit more about Greta Thunberg (No one is too small to make a difference). Thanks for the post!

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