Jan 6·edited Jan 6Liked by Tom Cadwallader

I was pretty good at tennis when I was in my youth (or, as Vinnie Gambini would say, "yout'"). Now, being well above the "middle-age" bracket, I have no interest in this pickleball thing; the first paragraph's explanation made me recoil in shockness!

Nope, it is couch-sitting for me these days. My knees thank me (after having been abused recently by 12 years of pushing the 30-pound clutch on a commercial motor vehicle far too many times), and so do my self-respect and image.

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Jan 4Liked by Tom Cadwallader

God, I’m glad I missed this craze. Golf was my speed and I loved being out with my husband once he figured out that I had already paid a teaching pro, if you catch my drift here. We traveled all over the country including Alaska, Canada, Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces playing golf and meeting all sorts of people along the way. So the “kids” can have pickleball. More power to them. Fun read by the way.

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