Sep 23Liked by Tom Cadwallader

“Unfit” to lead North Carolina schools seems… perhaps too mild. Rather like saying, “this person, a convicted arsonist, may be ill suited for work at the munitions plant.”.

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Sep 23Liked by Tom Cadwallader

Unfortunately this witch would only hasten what this god-awful legislature has already done with their damn vouchers. In case you can’t tell, I’m no fan but a huge fan of a good PUBLIC education that the taxpayer is paying for. Vouchers are a sick way of turning those tax dollars into junk and lousy education dollars. There is not one worthy republican candidate on this year’s ballot and may not be for quite some time. As Don Trump, Jr said so clearly, “This is NOT your republican party any more”. If one believes that yet is still a republican, what does that make one then?

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Exactly so. I’ve written before about vouchers, a scheme that I believe violates both the state and federal constitutions.

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Sep 23Liked by Tom Cadwallader


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